H5 Interior Design Services

E V E R Y   P R O J E C T   S T A R T S   W I T H   A   

D I S C O V E R Y   C A L L

free 15 minute phone call

Get your ideas rolling before you begin any design process with advice from a pro, a free 15 min call helps clarify your ideas and give direction. In discovery call we will determine your needs and wants to recommend what's best for your design needs. 

Book your free call now

S T R A T E G Y   C A L L 

getting to know you

Every project starts with your wish list, challenges and our ideas. This is where we get to know you, your space,  your lifestyle, your personal preferences & the aspirations of your family & financial investment expectations.


H E A R T Y   S T Y L I N G   P L A N

just styling

Styling is what sets the mood in a space. If you have great furniture pieces and the home is updated but it still lacks personality, this package is perfect for you.


H A R M O N Y   D E S I G N   P L A N

personalized game plan

Detailed design concept with the finishes, fixtures or furniture and space plan. It's the the perfect foundation that is necessary to create your dream space for one room or the entire home.


H 5   L U X U R Y  
F U L L   S E R V I C E   P A C K A G E

have it all

Want a professionally designed space that has you asking “is this heaven on earth”? H5 Luxury is our signature design service that will bring your dream space to life with the discerning eye of a design professional. This service starts with the Home Consult + Harmony Design Plan to plan and create the ultimate look for your room. In addition we will take care of the Design Implementation + Styling, while collaborating with you so you're involved every step of the way.

Click here to learn more about our signature process


V I R T U A L   D E S I G N   
N O W   A V A I L A B L E

We are now offering virtual options  for all packages except H5 Luxury Full Service Package